I came across the work of Alex Prager today and immediately fell in love. her photos are so beautiful and have a very cinematic atmosphere about them. i like that the subjects are staged and each photo suggests a narrative. they remind me of 1960s/70s america because of the fashion and styling of the women mainly. the colours are so bright and refreshing and remind me of William Eggleston's work who I admire too. Prager also made a collection of short films titled Touch of Evil featuring different actors. my favourite film was the one with Mia Wasikowska (you can find them all here).
been discovering lots of new artists and photographers and it's really inspiring me to make art. i'm going to put all my recent favourite photos/art/tumblr pics/film stills into one big blog post later. back to school tomorrow ughhhh need 2 go read (that means start AND FINISH) Pride & Prejudice and Persuasion before then. i feel like i've completely wasted half term... counting down to xmas holidays now (39 days!)